Street Improvements

How Hereford BID is working to brighten your shopfronts and add extra wow-factor to the city's streets.

Floral City

Wow-factor planting helps ensure that the city looks vibrant and welcome for visitors and locals alike.

Every year we extend our exclusive Floral City offering to all BID businesses, so they can take part. This service provides beautiful flowering hanging baskets and planters to brighten up shopfronts throughout the summer months. Our offer includes installation, maintenance (including dead-heading, replacing dead plants and watering up to 5 times a week) and removal of hanging baskets when the season ends.

Members of Hereford BID can request their hanging baskets by downloading the Floral City Order Form 


Enhanced Street Cleaning

With a team of two highly motivated, skilled and committed handy staff, Hereford BID is dedicated to keeping things looking their absolute best in your street and around your business.

Our team is both proactive and reactive; on any given day they might remove unsightly chewing gum outside your shop, vacuum the edges of your premises & pavement (where Balfour Beatty cannot reach), paint and repair damaged benches or plant and care for flowers in your street. If there’s something specific that concerns you, we will come to you to see what can be done – your concerns are ours and we want your area to look it’s very best, at all times.

In 2021, we invested in a new Deep Cleaning Pavement Machine to provide an additional level of cleaning to the city’s streets and pavements, removing ingrained dirt and grime. The Handy Team is working to tackle all streets in the BID area but if you have a specific requirement, you can request a visit from the team.

For your convenience, we have a dedicated member of staff for any issues, so do not hesitate to call if you need help – even if it is something that Hereford BID are not directly responsible for, e.g. loose paving stones, we may be able to offer some influence in getting the problem fixed.