Now We're Talking with Art - get involved!

The NHS trust are seeking window spaces in Hereford to be used as part of their summer campaign, Now We’re Talking with Art, which aims to spread positivity, highlight mental health support and encourage people to get out, exercise and support local businesses too. 

They are asking Hereford businesses to let the campaign use their window spaces to help fill the city with colour through installations, fine art, photography, craft, murals and more. Not only will this campaign increase awareness and improve mental wellbeing, but it will also increase footfall in Hereford City Centre along the trail and help the local economy.

For this campaign, the NHS Trust have teamed up with Artist Clubhouse to recruit local artists across all the trails. More information and how to submit artwork proposals can be found here.

There is no cost attached to this project and the Now We're Talking team believe the artwork in your window could help save someone’s life who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts, or bring smiles to those who need to know they are not alone.

The timescales for this project are:

2nd July: Confirmation of spaces within venues across Hereford City Centre
16th July: Confirmation of artists including proposals submitted and approved
30th July: Finalise which artist will be in which venue
13th August: Finalise Art information/QR codes/online website/printing
1st -30th September: Hereford Trail

If you have any questions about this project or would like to take part, please contact 

